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Training For An Aerobic Test


Use an aerobic test to vastly improve the way your body is able to utilize oxygen during medium level intensive exercise.

Training for an aerobic test will help you measure your body's ability to use oxygen over a prolonged period of time.

What is the point?

Physical exercise can be broken up into two main categories, exercises that use oxygen and those that don't. Very high intensity exercises such as sprinting or heavy weight lifting don't use oxygen as they will rely on stored energy compounds for a very short period of time. These types of exercises also form what is known as 'oxygen debt', which is then made up after you have finished the movement and are in the recovery period. Training for an aerobic test however, will work on the other component and help your body with the ability to continually use oxygen over an extended period of time, while also dealing better with any byproducts that may start to build up and great fatigue.

The point of the aerobic test is to help measure how successful your training regime is in improving your cardiovascular performance.

What do you need?

  • An open space, gym, or fitness studio
  • A paper and pencil
  • For some types of tests you will want to have a stopwatch or other timing device.
How do you do the test?

  • In order to improve this aspect of your fitness level, you should regularly be including longer duration cardio sessions into your program.
  • These cardio sessions can include the cardio exercise of your choice - which could be running, swimming, skipping, kickboxing, spinning or any other similar action. This will help you increase the time you are able to go until exhaustion therefore improving your performance.
  • In addition to that, it would also be wise to perform a couple of higher intensity sessions as well. These may include sprints or bouts of high intensity movement.
  • What this will mainly do is increase the ability of the body to deal with harder exercise thus helping make lower intensity seem easier.
  • Since for this assessment you will only be working at a moderate intensity, the more you can tolerate high intensity work the easier the assessment will feel.

What results you'll get :

Results tend to be specific to the individual - the only real measure you have is yourself! Compare your scores over time and see how much your endurance levels improve and recovery time decreases.

What is being measured again?

These tests measure your endurance levels and the length of time your body takes to recover from cardiovascular activity.




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