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Standing Long Jump Test


A great way to assess your leg strength is with a standing long jump test. This assessment will primarily be targeting your quad and glute muscles as they are what you will be most using to propel your body weight off the ground and into the air. Since you do not have a running start either, you will not be able to rely on momentum at all to help you with the movement.

What is the point?

This test is particularly effective for athletes involved in jumping related sports. The test focuses in on the quads and glutes in a way that other tests don't allowing you to identify specific weakness in those areas.

The objective of the Standing Long Jump test is to evaluate the strength of your quads and glutes in order to determine your success rate at jumping sports.

What do you need?

  • A non-slip surface
  • A thirty metre tape measure
  • An assistant

You should also try and do this some place where you will have a soft landing area and be sure to wear well-padded shoes as well. This will help to reduce the impact that is felt on your body.

How do you do the test?

  • To begin the standing long jump test, stand behind the line marked on the ground with your feet about shoulder width apart.
  • You will want to use a two foot take off in order to generate the most force, starting with the knees in a bent position. Be sure to take advantage of your upper body as well by swinging the arms back and then forward to help you increase your build-up before taking off.
  • Move as far away from the starting position as you can, landing on one or both feet.
  • The landing is your choice, so you should just do whatever comes most natural or feels the best. Perform the exercise three different times.

What results you'll get :

Compare your score with the ones below.

Very Poor Poor Below average Average Above average Very Good Excellent
Male 171-190 cm 191-210 cm 211 - 220 cm 221 - 230 cm 231 - 240 cm 241 - 250 cm greater than 250 cm
Female > 141 cm 141 - 160 cm 161-170 cm 171-180 cm 181 - 190 cm 191-200 cm > 200 cm

What is being measured again?

These test measures the strength of your quads and glutes.




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