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Dumbbell front raise

What it does?

A simple exercise which is great for toning and developing the shoulder muscles, particularly the deltoids

What you need?


How do you do it?

- Start off standing upright with feet about shoulder width apart
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand in front of you, at about waist level with your palms facing towards you
- Begin to raise the dumbbells, keeping your arms straight until they are level with your shoulders
- Hold for a second at the top then lower them back down to the start
- Repeat 10 times and do 3 sets

Key Points

- Keep your back straight throughout, don't hunch over as you lift the weights
- Control the movement with your arms and shoulders, don't swing the dumbbells
- It is an isolating exercise so don't expect to use a lot of weight



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Shoulder exercises
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Dumbbell front raise
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