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Hair loss treatments

As you may not be surprised to hear, there are a number of hair loss treatments available to you, from herbal drugs to ointments, prescription tablets and even cosmetic surgery. But do you know all about the options you have?

Ideally, your options for hair loss treatments should be guided by the cause of your hair loss. For example if it is caused by medication, then a new prescription could be considered. Or if an infection or hormonal imbalance, then once diagnosed and treated then perhaps a prescription hair loss treatment could be considered.

Hair loss treatments for male pattern baldness are different because it is regarded as a natural condition (or phenomenon if you want to be dramatic) and not a disease. However, if the man decides he want to try and regain lost hair there are two main types of treatment available:


  • Minoxidil lotion, know as Regaine, available in regular or extra strength, is a hair loss treatment applied directed to the scalp twice daily. Originally a treatment for high blood pressure the hair growth gain is a positive side effect. About 60 per cent of patients benefit from it to varying degrees. It is available without prescription over the counter, however the benefits wear off as soon as treatment stops.

  • Finasteride, know as Propecia, is a hair loss treatment taken in tablet form is an anti androgen, meaning that is partially blocks the male hormones. In about 80 percent of patients it stops further hair loss and promotes re-growth, although the treatment must be continued sustain the benefit. Only available on private prescription.


  • 'Scalp reduction' is a reliable method available to men with a small bald spot on the top of their head
  • 'Flap enlargement' involves increasing the area of scalp where there is hair still growing, again suitable for those with a small bald spot.

  • A 'hair transplant' involves the surgeon moving non-sensitive hair from the back of the head to the bald areas. Certain factors determine whether this is a viable option for individuals, including the hair colour and type, the nature of hair loss and the patient's age.


So in summary, we suggest that you read through our dedicated mini-site for more information, but that you discuss everythgin with your GP prior to choosing which route to try first. There are some side effects to prescription drugs and cosmetic surgery is an expensive and possibly un-neccessary option depending on the root casues.




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