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Imagine having no stress !! would life without any pressure is a life that is emotionally impoverished and devoid of any kind of challenge, excitement or interest.

The aim of a healthy lifestyle is not to avoid this pressure altogether, but to understand how to effectively manage stress. It can give relief and reduce the negative impact on mental and physical well-being.

Anxiety & stress

If you suffer from anxiety and stress, make sure you find ways to deal with it online.

» All info on anxiety & stress
stress equipment

Make sure you manage your stress with treatments and tips and techniques available here.

» All stress management pages
stress jobs

Think you are stressed? Find out more about the signs and symptoms here.

» All symptoms of stress

Good stress relief shouldn't be thought of as a plan that can be suddenly implemented when thrown into a crisis. Rather it is a way of living and an attitude of mind that will equip an individual to deal with the frustrations of daily life, and give the inner strength to handle larger problems when, and if, they occur.

Understanding yourself is a key element to managing relief because not everyone reacts to tension or is able to manage it in the same way. How we were brought up, our personality and our past experiences can all influence how we deal with and respond to events likely to trigger anxiety.

Recognising the major symptoms is an important step towards learning better coping strategies. However, that is not enough on its own: you also have to be sufficiently flexible to be able to acknowledge that sometimes you need outside help. This could range from confiding in a friend to seeking more in-depth professional assistance. Appreciating that there may be times when you need that kind of support is not a sign of weakness: it is a psychological strength.

In addition there is also a growing body of medical evidence that indicates a physically active routine can not only have a significant impact on general health, but also on how positive we feel. That in turn can affect our ability to handle demanding situations.




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