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Arthritis Symptoms

The biggest arthritis symptom that you are likely to notice when you are first developing this condition is a deep painful feeling in the joints upon waking.

The severity of the condition and type of it that you are experiencing will alter how badly you experience this but usually it is the first sign that you should be speaking with a doctor. If you find that when getting out of bed in the morning, over a period of a few weeks, your joints are very achy, stiff and potentially swollen, you definitely should get this arthritis symptom checked out.

The next arthritis symptom that you may find is limited joint functioning and movement. For example, if you do a lot of typing at the computer as part of your job, this is usually where the disease will start and you will notice that your fingers are stiff and don't have the dexterity you had in the past.

There may also be some feelings of fatigue and an overall sense of weakness in the body. This can partially be attributed to the fact that you likely will not be as active when you are experiencing the pain and this in itself tends to promote feelings of lethargy. Appetite might also begin to wane in systemic forms of this disorder.

Lastly, there can be noticeable warmth coming from around the joints as a result of the inflammation that is occurring. You may also see some redness happening and if this is the case you likely will want to start icing the joints as part of your treatment protocol.

Whatever sign or mix of signs you do have though, be sure to speak with your doctor about it. If it is a serious form of the disorder, the sooner you can catch it the easier it will be to resolve.




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