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Resistance Band Row

What it does?

A brilliant exercise for your upper, middle and lower back without the risks of using dumbbells or a barbell

What you need?

A resistance band

How do you do it?

- Stand on the middle of the resistance band and hold each end in your hands
- Bend over at the waist so that your back is almost parallel with the floor, bending your knees slightly
- Pull the band up to your sides, bending the elbows
- Pause briefly at the top then straighten the arms back to the start position
- Repeat 10 times

Key Points

- Keep the back straight, avoid hunching over
- If you feel any pain in your back stop the exercise immediately



Body function
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Home workout
Upper back exercise
Bent over row
Cable row
Cable squat with row
Lat pull down
One arm dumbbell row
One leg bent row with dumbbell
Prone cobra
Resistance band bent row
Upper back programs
Upper back stretch
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