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Gravity training system

gravity training system

Gravity Training System

Developed by EFI Sports Medicine, the Gravity Training System (GTS) uses adjustable, incline resistance training on a freely-moving glide board to provide a strength and low-intensity cardiovascular workout.

EFI Sports Medicine have developed the Gravity Training System (GTS) after nearly a third of a century working in sports training, physical therapy, and commercial and home and club fitness.

The result is a reputation as a leader in the design and manufacture of functional exercise equipment for conditioning and rehabilitation.

What they offer :

The Gravity Training System is effective for all ages, experiences, and fitness levels. It utilizes adjustable, incline resistance training on a freely-moving glide board, using your body weight against the pull of gravity to efficiently, effectively, and simultaneously work the entire body. The exercises work and strengthen upper and lower body muscles and core stabilizers for a total body workout.

Sessions last 45 minutes, including warm-up and cool-down, and are designed and instructed by our certified GTS instructors. Instructors are licensed physical therapists and certified personal trainers, and can provide sessions in a variety of locations:

  • Private and Semi-Private Personal Training
  • Home School Physical Education Class
  • Youth Fit Sessions
  • Senior Fit Sessions

Is the gear any good?

This is an effective program for those looking for an integrated approach. It relies upon the specialized equipment and expert instruction that efi provides, but for those who like this structured approach it can be very effective.


efi Sports Medicine are recognized leaders in the design and manufacture of functional exercise equipment for conditioning and rehabilitation. The GTS is an interesting approach to training that provides an integrated, low impact workout.

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