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Beauty salon directory

If you'd like to advertise your beauty salon or to add to our directory or change your listing to add your website and email address, the business listing form below will guide you through the process.

If you would like to look at postcode based local ads (Featured ads at the top of the directory results in your area) please click here

Business listing

With our site gerenating over 4,000 searches for beauty salons last month, when someone looks in your area, they'll have a chance of seeing you!

A one-off fee of £75.00 (VAT incl.)

What you get is :

Where do I appear?

Your beauty salon business listing appears in the search results for beauty salons when users search on your town or your postcode. With a postcode search, only the nearest 30 salons can appear at any one time.

Submit your details

In order to get your business listing with thefitmap.co.uk, please complete the form and then click the PAY NOW button to pay via WorldPay - RBS online payment systems.

Please do not start to complete this form unless you have a credit card/debit card to hand to pay the listing fee.

Company type *
Your first name *
Your last name *
Company name *
Address line 1 *
Address line 2
Address line 3
Town / City *
Full postcode *
Telephone number *
Mobile number
Fax number
Email address *
Website address

* Information required.

** All changes are made free of charge during the first month of the listing, after which any changes to your listing will be subject to an admin fee of £30.00 + VAT




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